Why Is Vision Important?
At the beginning of each year, I try to make sure everything is in order. One thing I do is to make sure I have made my appointments for my doctor checkups. One of my most important visits is to my eye doctor! I go to an eye doctor every year to get a check-up. I so appreciate the way he has advised me and taken care of my eye-sight. From glasses, to contacts, to check-ups, I show and share with everyone that my vision is important to me. I’m willing to take the time necessary to get those check-ups. I spend money to have the proper glasses. I invest in my personal journey through life with my sight.
Oh, that I would see my spiritual journey in the same vain. Spiritual vision has been defined for me through the years in many ways, but the one I hold close came to me from Barry St. Clair back in the early 80’s (Wow that sounds like a long time ago … because it was). He said that a spiritual vision can be defined as: “A God inspired vision enables a Christ follower to see that which is not seen, as being seen until one day everyone sees it.” I’ve held on to this definition for years. Asking the question every January: “God, what is it that you want me to see as being seen until one day everyone will see it?” When I answer that question it sets me on a course. It defines for me what is important. It clarifies what is going to get my time and energy. It frees me up from having much activity, but no impact.
How about you? What is it that God has for you? Maybe your beginning point is to decide what you will do with Jesus. If this is you, then let me encourage you to begin to read the Gospel of John. It’s a great place to begin the journey. I guarantee that you will discover some incredible truths about Jesus and that God will use this book to open your spiritual eyes to a Life Changing experience that will set you on a whole new life course that has eternal significance.
In the book of Proverbs God gives us a great beginning point. “Without a vision the people perish”. The word perish, in this text, means to allow something to slip right through your hands. It’s not that God didn't provide vision, because He did, but we can miss the opportunity. Is vision important? Yes. Can a person really know it? Yes.
Think about some of the great leaders in scripture.
- Abraham, who left the comfort of everything in his life to go where God was directing him. Because of vision.
- Moses, who led the Israelite people out of bondage. Because of vision.
- Paul, whose life changing experience set him on a completely new path. Because of vision.
These men were no more special to God than you and me. We can have the same kind of impact on our families, friends, and community. Because the same God who used them can use each of us today! What is that compelling vision that wakes you up at night? What is it that gets your heart to race? What is it that you see that no one else sees, but one day you want everyone to see?
Vision is important!