A membership class to help you learn about Hermitage Hills, what we believe, why we exist, and how you can become an active member of in our church body. Join us just off the foyer in WC106. We want to meet you and share with you what Hermitage Hills is all about.

Contact Leigh Ann Hinkle · lhinkle@hermitagehills.com

array (
  'msg' => '',
  'filter' => 
  array (
  'CategoryList' => 'Discipleship/Equipping',
  'ContactEmail' => 'lhinkle@hermitagehills.com',
  'ContactName' => 'Leigh Ann Hinkle',
  'ContactPhone' => '',
  'Contacts' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'Name' => 'Leigh Ann Hinkle',
      'Email' => NULL,
      'Phone' => '615-883-5034',
  'EventOwnerEmail' => 'lhinkle@hermitagehills.com',
  'EventOwnerName' => 'Leigh Ann Hinkle',
  'DateModified' => NULL,
  'Description' => 'A membership class to help you learn about Hermitage Hills, what we believe, why we exist, and how you can become an active member of in our church body.  Join us just off the foyer in WC106. 
We want to meet you and share with you what Hermitage Hills is all about. ',
  'DisplayTimes' => true,
  'EventId' => 3435511,
  'LocationName' => 'Hermitage Campus',
  'Name' => 'Explore Hermitage Hills',
  'OccurrenceStartTime' => '9/15/2024 9:00 AM',
  'OccurrenceEndTime' => '9/15/2024 10:15 AM',
  'OccurrenceId' => 74261375,
  'ScheduleId' => 5986096,
  'PublicEventUrl' => NULL,
  'RegistrationEnabled' => false,
  'RegistrationUrl' => '',
  'ResourceList' => 'WC-106 (Starting Point Room)(Custom),48 Inch Round, 6 Foot, Black Plastic Next Gen, Seminar',
  'ResourceEndTime' => '9/15/2024 10:15 AM',
  'ResourceStartTime' => '9/15/2024 9:00 AM',
  'StatusDescription' => 'Approved',
  'SubmittedBy' => 'Leigh Ann Hinkle',
  'ImageUrl' => '',
  'PublicNotes' => NULL,
  'IsPublic' => true,
  'Spaces' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'Name' => 'WC-106 (Starting Point Room)(Custom)',
  'SpacesOnPublicCalendarDisplay' => NULL,
  'PublicHtmlNotes' => NULL,
  'OccurrenceStatus' => 'Approved',

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