Hermitage Hills connects with community schools to build consistent engagement and provide support to the students, families, and staff.  This mission area is mainly off campus and at a partner school on various days and times.  Because of our partnerships, we are often given the opportunity to connect further by providing invite cards to our services and upcoming events.



Grow U

Pray for the staff, families and students


Field Day:  March 28, 2025, 9:00-11:30am - host games for the students as they rotate stations


Staff Appreciation Lunch:  May 5, 2025, 10:00am-12:00pm - set up, serve, and clean up the lunch as we thank the staff for their investment in the next generation


Hermitage Elementary
Pray for the staff, students and families


Fun Day - May 16, 2025 - 8:00am-2:30pm - volunteers will host games for the students as the rotate from station to station, shifts available 


Staff Appreciation - May 5-9


McGavock High School
Pray for the staff, students and families


Raider Retail - the first Friday of every month from 10:00am-12:00pm at McGavock High School - volunteers will help organize and maintain the store so that students can shop what they need


FCA - February 27,2025, 9:00am - we will partner with Fellowship of Christian Athletes to serve students at McGavock High School.  Beau will lead the huddle.  If you would like to join us, fill our the form below.


Staff Appreciation - May 5-9




If you would like more information on upcoming events, please fill out the form below.


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