English Classes (ESL)
English Classes (ESL)
Registration for our ESL classes will begins in August each year. Classes are offered on Wednesday nights, August through May, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at Hermitage Hills Baptist Church (3475 Lebanon Pike, Hermitage). There are classes for intermediate and advanced students. Our curriculum is Confidence and Connections by Intercambio. Our Intermediate class curriculum includes: building vocabulary, word associations, synonyms, and words used in daily conversations. Advanced students curriculum includes: building vocabulary, conversation, idioms, proverbs, pronunciation and writing. All classes are taught in English. The cost is $25 for the year.
We offer two classes - intermediate, and advanced. This is an amazing way to connect our community to the church and to Christ. You can join us by serving in many ways through facilitating a class, being a class helper, hosting the welcome table, hosting the snack area, and helping with administrative tasks. We would like to offer a Beginner Class as well, but need a teacher and an assistant teacherare currently looking for a teacher. We are also looking for an assistant teacher for the Intermediate Class and a host for the snack area.
If interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below.