GALE Mission Trip

March 24-April 1, 2025

The GALE family accepted the call to GO in 2013.  We as their home church were so glad to support them in any way we could as they prepared to serve in this way.  We support their work by providing funding for student scholarships, leadership training, and sports ministry.  We also send a team to serve with them each year March 24-April 1, 2025.

A team of six will go to serve on the mission field with the GALE family which is an acronym for the people serving as the missionaries through the International Mission Board.  The team will serve by hosting a retreat for their team.  We would provide teambuilding exercises, pastoral/member care, lessons/activities, encouragement through prayer/Bible study, fun day event, and activities for children.  Training will be provided.

Cost:  $2,400 per participant

Participants:  Must be 18 years of age or older

Physical Requirements: ability to withstand heat and humidity and walking long distances

Requirements:  passport and background check

For more information, please fill out the form below.

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