Brigitte Simpson

Brigitte started as a teacher at Grow U in July 2011 and stepped into the role as Director of Grow U in July 2014. Now, she serves as the Missions Director.
She loves to paint and spend time with her family. Brigitte loves the honesty of The Father in Mark 9:24-25 has with Jesus. "He believes, but still realizes that there is a part of him that needs help to fully believe. But the best part is Jesus's response. He answers the father's request. It is a reminder that Jesus can do mighty things even when I only bring a little faith". She also likes appetizers of any kind and 80's music. "God called my husband and myself to ministry in New York City where we lived for six years. Our daughter was born there, so we live with a New Yorker that has a southern drawl."
Joined the staff in 2014.