Loving to Serve
In July, the Disaster Relief Ministry Team finished up the summer providing showers for various mission teams. The last week in July, our team ministered to World Changers at Haywood Hills Baptist Church. The trailer has been used for 7 weeks this year, 6 of them being the months of June and July. This has been a busy summer for our incredible Disaster Relief Team. They were responsible for moving the trailers, setting them up, and loving on the mission teams they served.
Thank you to Don & Sue Kohanski, Don & Kay Thompson , Bob & Carolyn Brown, Eric Rubash, Jack Bolton, Mark & Cheryl Lee, Carl Gillespie, Monique Hunter, Diane Shell, Joyce Skaggs, and John & Dottie Sires. This team is a small part of the “behind the scenes” ministries (along with other churches like ours) that provide showers, lunch, and support for the World Changers teams each year. This sacrifice helps to ensure the World Changer kids and leaders have a good week of ministry.
For more information about or to become a part of The Disaster Relief Ministry Team, please contact the Missions Office at 615-883-5034.